Shipping & Delivery
When you place an order, we will estimate shipping costs and delivery times based upon the product ordered, its availability and the shipping method. Regulated items must be shipped to licensed organizations. We will verify license information before orders are processed and shipped.
Our standard delivery method is by LBC Sales Representative, where available. The time frame for this delivery is typically 1-21 days from the date the order is processed. We also ship via UPS Ground, charging standard rates, within 1-3 days after the order is processed. The time frame for delivery of UPS Ground shipped product will generally be within 5-7 business days from the date the order is shipped. Orders will not be delivered on weekends or holidays.
Your LBC Representative and our Customer Service Team is available to confirm shipment and estimated delivery of your order.
We are not liable for products damaged or lost during shipping. If you receive damaged product via UPS Ground, please contact UPS to file a claim. Product delivered via LBC Truck and Representative will be inspected upon delivery and will not be delivered if damaged.
We currently do not ship outside the U.S.
Our Return Policy provides detailed information about your options regarding returns of products.